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Get the Fire started.....

Updated: Mar 27, 2023

If you are a wood burning stove user and dont need any assistance please just take note of step 5 (underlined). Not everyone is aware of this and it has caught people out in the past.

Although lighting a fire may seem like an easy task and I probably go into far too much detail here, you may find that you are one of the many people out there that has never started a fire, Deliberately or used a wood burning stove.

There is nothing to it, other than a few simple steps, then you too will be a master.

Below are our recommendations to getting the best out of the stove....

On your arrival the stove will be prepped and ready to simply throw a match in. Its a good Idea to take note how we have done it and copy it for the next time. However, follow these simple steps if you are starting from scratch. We are always near by so don't struggle, give us a call and we can help.

  • The stove is quite small so avoid using large logs to begin with. Insert two smaller sized logs at the bottom. Side by side. We will supply a range of log sizes.

  • Place a fire lighter on top of the two logs.

  • Lay some of the kindling (small sticks) or small cuts of logs on top. you wont need much and try to stagger them in a 'criss-cross' fashion, so air can flow around the logs/sticks.

  • Next, ignite the fire lighter with the matches/lighter provided.

  • Once the fire is lit, leave the vent at the bottom fully open (pulled out) to allow the fire to get going. Also leave the door unlatched and (only just) cracked open for a few minutes, This helps with air flow and will allow the flue to heat up and naturally draw the smoke outside.


If the door is closed immediately smoke can be trapped in the flue and cause issues, most likely, fail to ignite fully. It is common on stoves with shorter flues like ours, to have a small, cold pocket of air trapped (where the inside temp meets the outside temp) causing the smoke to get forced downwards. However, with the door unlatched and vent fully open (pulled out) on ignition, this will not happen. To clear this air pocket, a quick burst of heat is required to break through, using the fire lighters and kindling is enough to achieve this.

  • Once the fire is established, simply add more logs. Again due to the size of the stove one log at a time is usually more than enough. Then repeat the process. Also note, closing the vent will slow the rate of burn and make the logs last a little longer, only do this once the stove is really hot and been burning a while. Closing it fully just after adding a log, will prob smoke the fire out. It is best to keep the vent open or just partially closed.

  • Once you are done just simply let the fire burn out.

  • If you happen to let the fire burn down to a smoulder and wish to get it roaring again. Think step 1... and start by adding smaller logs to get it burning well. If its really close to being out, crack the stove door open again after adding log. The key to it all is remembering the basic fire needs, heat fuel and oxygen so, once again make sure the vent is fully open before adding the larger logs.

The principles are the same for the fire pit. large logs at the bottom, firelighter. smaller logs and sticks on top, remember, a criss-cross fashion then light it up.


Obviously when working with fire, be careful. Open the stove door slowly when adding more logs and use the protective glove provided.

Use the metal tools supplied for moving logs away from the stove door or if any embers fall out when loading etc.

Never put items on top of the stove or within the stove surround, the stove surfaces get very Hot.

We also recommend not to load up the fire before planning to go to sleep or if leaving the cabin and please don't leave the stove burning unattended for long periods.

If for any reason you want the stove to go out. close the vent fully (pushed in) and eventually it will smoke itself out, but it is best to plan ahead and let the fire die down and burn out naturally.

As tempting as it may be. please do not burn rubbish or other items other than the logs/wood we have provided.

Lastly, need more logs or kindling? let us know.

The above may be obvious but it is stated for your safety.

Information overload but we think its always good to have something to reference if you are unsure.

Last but not least, Enjoy it.........

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